
CHC Media, under the leadership of Catherine Hunt, advises on the best ways to communicate effectively and to present key messages clearly with maximum impact.

We can help with strategies for being interviewed, dealing with the media, successfully publicising news announcements and successfully managing difficult stories, making your message accessible and tailoring it for different TV, radio and press outlets and for social media. We can show you what works and what doesn't work.

CHC Media trains you in front of the camera with a series of interviews giving detailed feedback to build confidence and performance. We thoroughly research beforehand what you, and your company, want to achieve and focus on it. Training is designed to fit your specific needs. We can provide anything from a few hours of TV training for one person to a few days of TV, radio and press training for a group.

It's not easy to do a good media interview but getting it right is all important. It can build your reputation and your business. Getting it wrong can cause serious damage and destroy credibility.

As well, CHC Media can assist with the writing of speeches, reports and presentations and with communicating better online.

CHC Media works closely with Mary Greenham of Newspresenters Ltd which acts for a wide range of personalities including Andrew Marr, Nick Robinson and Stephanie Flanders


Contact CHC Media

Email: info@chcmedia.co.uk

Tel: 07453 724637

Or: info@newspresenters.co.uk

Tel: 07850 694424